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The 6 Essential Traits of Emotionally Intelligent Leaders
8 & 9 May 2025
Novotel Hotel, Sydney Australia

The Art of Relating - Finding Your “WHY” 

09:10 - 09:30

Introduction and Housekeeping 

09:30 - 10:45

The concept of Emotional Intelligence and why it is a critical skill for leadership 

Practical: Gauge and reveal emotions in the room 

10:45 - 11:00

11:00 - 12:30

12:30 - 13:30

Morning Coffee Break and Networking Session

Trait 1: The Mindful Leader 

  • Develop a stronger self-awareness through mental simulation. 

  • Nurture emotional clarity and focus. 

  • Gain understanding of own emotions and the impact on your decisions. 

  • Develop the intelligence needed to manage strong emotions in a way that is helpful to you and others. 


Practical: Explore own emotions and the internal drivers and motivations as a leader 

Lunch Break and Networking Session

13:30 - 14:30

Trait 2: Empathetic – The Science of Relating 

  • Develop the ability to be aware of how people around you feel. 

  • Manage a team effectively, enhance performance and engagement through improving own emotional awareness of others. 


  • Develop a dashboard of indicators for your team. 

  • Identify differences that will enhance team effectiveness. 

Trait 3: Empathetic – The Science of Relating 

  • Enhance resilience through regulating emotions and guiding perceptions. 

  • How the brain works to find opportunities through challenges. 

  • Design coping mechanisms to emotional resilience. 



  • Measure own resilience through resiliency assessment. 

  • Run stress audit. 

14:30 - 15:30

15:30 - 16:30

Group activities 

Examine own perceptions and expectations from others. 

Define personal triggers and craft ways to manage and direct your emotions the way you desire. 

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