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Erudition Bites Session
Crisis Management & Communications

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August Whitcomb

Seasoned Crisis Preparation, Response and Communications Consultant

  • Gus has served on the crisis management teams for five fatal aircraft accidents, the 9/11 terrorist attacks, and numerous legal and reputational crises.

  • A regular guest lecturer on crisis management at the Hong Kong International Aviation Academy, Gus also serves as a Business and Industry Advisory Board Member for the Family Assistance Education and Research Foundation (FAERF).

  • Gus practices and teaches holistic crisis management with a keen focus on the effect of nuance on crisis planning and response.

August Whitcomb served as the deputy communications lead for American Airlines during the 911 terrorist attacks. He has personally served on the response teams for five fatal aircraft crashes and managed responses for high-profile lawsuits, corporate reputation attacks, and controversial product launches. He recently retired from Cathay Pacific Airways as Head of Group Business Resilience where he oversaw emergency response and business continuity in more than 30 countries across five continents. He currently serves as Managing Director of The Windshear Group, a bespoke crisis management consultancy.


Many organizations believe they are at their best when things are at their worst. But are they truly ready for a crisis? An event that strikes beyond an organization’s heart … at its very soul. If most organizations could see firsthand inside a crisis, that insight would prompt them to better prepare in advance.

Key Benefits

  • A battle-tested framework from which to benchmark your response capabilities

Session Outline:

​​The programme takes you inside an actual crisis and exposes your team to the harsh realities of what it is like when the worst-case scenario strikes. What if it were your organization? Benchmarking material will be industry appropriate.

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